Meghan Markle caused Harry’s to have fights with Prince William by kissing & hugging him?

Markle caused Harry’s to have fights with Prince William by kissing & hugging him?

A staffer who was really close to Buckingham Palace has just shed some light into the alleged relationship Meghan Markle had with the heir, Prince William.

They shared these findings in an interview with The Times and began by noting that it started because of the “hug everyone” thought process she had.

While speaking to the outlet the source explained Prince William, King Charles and even Kate Middleton would often be left ‘flinching’ because of the Duchess’ physical displays for affection.

“Meghan hugged him virtually every time they bumped into each other,” the staffer began by saying.

Meghan Markle caused Harrys to have fights with Prince William by kissing & hugging him?

The issue was that “The hugging and cheek-kissing fuelled gossip among the staff that Meghan was flirting with William, which she was obviously not, but the tense atmosphere caused by all the touchy-feeliness (and the resultant gossip) deepened the rift between the brothers.”

“In fact, William’s rather awkward, even inhibited personality — an inheritance from his father — was baffling for the more spontaneous Meghan.”

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